Sunday, April 11, 2010

Cupcake Craze

I try my best to resist sweets/dessert after a meal, but I can’t help myself! My ultimate favorites are chocolate, cake, and cupcakes. I’m not afraid to try new flavors, so I can’t say I have a specific favorite at this time. Cupcakes are truly the perfect dessert because it’s the PERFECT size to satisfy the palette for something sweet and is suitable for any occasion.

Those who know me know that I love the city of San Francisco and the Bay Area itself. I was born and raised in San Jose until the age of 9, so I have a lot of memories and it’s where my Dad’s side of the family resides. I always make it a point to visit my family every year and have been doing so since I was in the eighth grade. I love it when my family takes me to a new or favorite eatery, or when we discover a new place to try during shopping trips.

Last summer a friend and I took a trip to San Francisco since she has never been there. One of our many visits included Ghiradelli Square. It’s a major tourist attraction filled with boutiques and the famous Ghiradelli Ice Cream and Chocolate Shop, walking distance from the Cable Car and Fisherman’s Wharf. My friend and I noticed a cupcake shop called Kara’s Cupcakes. Most of their ingredients are organic and locally grown. We were hesitant to try anything because we satisfied our sweet tooths earlier in the day with blueberry filled chocolate and chocolate pretzels. But all their cupcakes looked so beautiful and delicious that I ended up ordering the Rasberry Dazzle (my profile picture is from Kara’s Cupcake). The frosting wasn’t overly sweet and the cake was moist enough that it didn’t break into crumbs when you cut into it. If you don’t want to wait in line to order dessert at Ghiradelli, walk over to Kara’s Cupcakes (
I love the Bay Area so much that some of my blogs will be about my favorite eateries in the area.


  1. omg - these cupcakes look amazing!! reminds me of magnolia in nyc :)

  2. Oooh those do look delicious S. May! Yes, you should definitely do a SF foodie post. I wanna see what you had on your trip! And I guess your future one, too right? :)

    Is that a lemon cupcake over there? And a pineapple one next to it? YUM. I can just imagine the fluffy icing. It looks so good.

    I love the blog Smay! Keep it up!
