Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm craving something sweet

For those of you who don't know, I moved back to the Bay Area after 17 years of living in Minnesota. I was able to find a job in San Francisco with the same company i've been working for since 2004. It's sort of a long story and I don't feel like going into detail but to sum it up-it was truly a dream come true for me. Don't get me wrong- I miss my family and friends a lot, but I needed a lifestyle change. I'm sure I could've made the change in Minnesota but I needed to veer away from my comfort zone and moving has always been a goal of mine. I have always wanted to work in a big city (ok-San Francisco is only 7 miles by 7 miles) but I still think it's big! The city is scenic (when it's not foggy or cloudy), I feel like there's always something to do, and most importantly I love all the eateries and shopping! I work in the Financial district of SF-which is near Chinatown and walking distance to Union Sqaure. I can see the Coit tower and Transamerica building from my work-I LOVE it-especially when the weather is gorgeous.

Anyway, my coworker and I have been exploring places to eat during lunch. And like today, we'll sometimes do a little shopping after work. I wanted to check out a clothing store on Sutter Street called NE Q&J Boutique. They have cute coats and clothing but nothing worth buying. On our way out I noticed there was a candy store next door called Fiona's Sweetshoppe ( Fiona's is tiny but ADORABLE. You walk in and there are jars and jars of candy. Everything from the setup to their packaging is appealing to the eye. They also sell chocolates from England. I bought myself a Cadbury Flake, a Kinder Happy Hippo biscuit (made with milk and hazelnut) and some football shaped candy filled with fizz. I first tried a Cadbury Flake from my good friend Karen. She brought some home as a pasalubong when she went to Australia, or maybe it was Singapore. Anyway, Cadbury Flakes are TO DIE FOR! It's basically thin layers of milk chcocolate shaped into a candy bar. I haven't tried the Kinder biscuit yet-sounds like a doggie treat but when I saw there was hazelnut I had to buy it! I had the football shaped candy on my way home from work and they are pretty good! This is one place i'd like to take my friends when they visit.

I am sure I will have more to share. Until next time:)


  1. you have to take us there when we visit you!!!!! so glad you're enjoying the bay area. miss you so much!!

  2. mmmm...add this to the list of places to take us!
